What is
Making Tax Digital
and who does it apply to?
Is your sports club a VAT-registered business? Does it have (or is it approaching?) a taxable turnover which is over the VAT threshold? If so, did you know that there are new requirements for the way you keep your records/submit your tax returns as of
1st April 2019*?
From this date, you will need to use the government’s
Making Tax Digital service to keep all of your records digitally and you will need to use software to submit your VAT returns.
This is just the beginning of a shakeup of the way taxes are recorded/submitted. The only tax that Making Tax Digital will affect until April 2020 is VAT. The government are then expected to roll the changes out elsewhere from 2020..
*‘Some taxpayers will be
exempt, such as charities, community amateur sports clubs (CASCs); and taxpayers who can’t use digital equipment due to disability, age or remoteness of location.’