With some attendance register templates they are designed for one single use. This means you’ll need to fill out one for each session that you put on. So even if you have only, say 25 people attend, that’s a lot of writing out do at every session if you prefill them in yourself. Or not a very nice job to have to delegate to one of your helpers!
You can download this free attendance register template from
here (then link to
https://www.smartsheet.com/free-attendance-spreadsheet-templates - ENSURE NO FOLLOW – Use image ‘Attendance register 07’ use alt text ‘attendance register’ have so it is clickable to reveal a pop up window of a high res version)
An alternative many clubs take is to ask people to fill their own info each time, which makes a lot of sense. Reduces the club’s admin time and meaning that they will have the most recent and up to date info for that person.
However, this does get a tad tedious for your members after a while, especially if they attend several sessions or classes in a week. Many really dedicated people, especially in the sports world, will be hard at it four or five times a week…maybe more.
This often results in complacency. ‘I filled it in a couple of days ago, you know who I am, just mark me down as here’. Again, makes perfect sense, but not going to be any good from your point of view.
Also, each person that fills in the register is then able to see the personal details of everyone else in the class. Hardly GDPR compliant and definitely not good practice in any situation.